


Check list for each autoscreening run » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 03/15/2022 03:12 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Anchi Cheng, 08/09/2022 06:21 PM)

h1. Check list for each autoscreening run 

 h2. Decide whether you want to just acquire atlas or go through the full MSI workflow in the autoscreening 

 h2. Have an example session that has the settings to go through the workflow without interruption :    No queuing at any Targeting node. 

 h2. (Grid mapping Option 1) Setup grid loading list text file 

 Autoscreen reads a *tab-separated* text file that contains the slot number and the session comment to setup the sequence of grid loading and screening.    The grids will be screened in the order or the list. 

 Grids can Currently, all grids needs to be in different the same project from as the example session, but session.    We will be saved under leginon user defined expand that in leginon.cfg. the future. 

 An example file is attached in this wiki called grid.list 

 3      best test grid        project1 
 2      second best test grid          project2 

 h2. (Grid mapping Option 2) prepare a mental list to enter the order of grid position in cassette (base 1) to screen 

 h2. Check aperture positions 

 If you have set special aperture position for Grid node, you need to set the apertures at the position you want for high magnification imaging (Exposure node).    This default will be what leginon will return to after individual node finishes its acquisition task.