



Click Target Finder » History » Revision 2

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Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 02:31 PM

Click Target Finder

Click Target Finder is a basic node that takes input images and allows the user to
manually select targets on the input image. The image target list is the output of this node.
Because most of its subnodes such as Holde Finder and RasterFinder have the option of skipping
automatic finding, they can perform the job of this base class. Therefore, the node is seldom

Required bindings for recieving images and publishing targets:

<simplelist type="vert">
<member> previous Acquisition or Focuser- (AcquisitionImagePublishEvent) -> ClickTarget
<member> ClickTargetFinder - (ImageTargetListPublishEvent) -> next Acquisition or
<member> ClickTargetFinder - (QueuePublishEvent) -> next Acquisition or Focuser</member>
<member> ClickTargetFinder - (ReferenceTargetListPublishEvent) -> AlignZeroLossPeak or
Required bindings for proper waiting among nodes:

<simplelist type="vert">
<member> ClickTargetFinder- (ImageProcessDoneEvent) > previous Acquisition or
<member> next Acquisition or Focuser
(TargetListDoneEvent) -> ClickTargetFinder</member>
This node only has the ability to display target types and submit (send) new image
targets to another node via the Submit Targets button.


  • Allow for user verification of picked holes = When enabled, this feature will
    pause and wait for the user to verify whether the correct exposure and focus targets
    have been selected after the Hole Finder finished processing the input image.
  • Queue up targets = When enabled, submit targets do not publish them immediately
    but to put them in a target list queue.
  • Declare drift when queue submitted= When enabled, force target shift correction
    when the queue is submitted. Useful when accurate targeting is needed.

< Beam Tilt Imager | Corrector >

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 2 revisions