


DE raw frame saving » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 06/08/2012 04:04 PM) → Revision 2/9 (Anchi Cheng, 02/25/2014 10:34 PM)

h1. DDD raw frame saving 

 h2. Camera Configuration 

 # Select "save raw frames" 
 # "Frames to use" does not affect raw frame saving which always saves all the frames read. 

 h2. File location: 

 You must create the parent directory described below manually. <pre> 
 DECamera computer D:\\RawFrames\DE12\ 

 The Each set of raw frame set is saved in a folder identified by the date and a unique number.    Leginon retrieve this and saved in its database so that    [[DDD_raw_frame_file_transfer|]] script can transfer it to the Leginon rawdata directory under the same session. 

 DECamera computer D:\\RawFrames\DE12\ 
 Each set of raw frame is saved in a folder identified by the date and a unique number.    This is set by the camera software. 

 K2 Summit computer D:\\frames\ 
 Each set of raw frames is saved as an unsigned 16-bit integer MRC image stack without extended header. 
 This can be changed in pyscope/ calculateFileSavingParams function