


DE raw frame saving » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 07/11/2014 04:38 PM) → Revision 4/9 (Anchi Cheng, 07/11/2014 04:57 PM)

h1. DDD raw frame saving 

 h2. Camera Configuration 

 # Select "save raw frames" 
 # "Exposure time" specify the total time in which the frames are saved. 
 # "Frame time" defines the length of each frame.    The minimal value than can be set is limited by the sensor clock frequency. 
 # "Frames to use" gives the frame numbers used in the summed images returned to Leginon for display or to be processed as a classical image.    It does not affect number of raw frame saving.    If left blank, saving which always saves all the frames will be used for the sum. read. 


 * If you increase the exposure time and also want to increase the frames in the returned sum image, make sure you either erase "Frames to use" to use all frames for sum, or adjust the tuple in "Frames to use" accordingly* 

 h2. File location: 

 You must create the parent directory described below manually. 

 The frame set is identified by the date and a unique number.    Leginon retrieve this and saved in its database so that    [[DDD_raw_frame_file_transfer|]] script can transfer it to the Leginon rawdata directory under the same session. 

 DECamera computer D:\\RawFrames\DE12\ 
 Each set of raw frame is saved in a folder identified by the date and a unique number.    This is set by the camera software. 

 K2 Summit computer D:\\frames\ 
 Each set of raw frames is saved as an unsigned 16-bit integer MRC image stack without extended header. 
 This can be changed in pyscope/ calculateFileSavingParams function