



How to Download beam-image shift values for Relion 3 beam-tilt refinement

Since it is possible to refine beam tilt values of a group of micrographs against 3D model with Relion 3, it is desirable to download either the beam-image shift (or called user image shift in TFE instrument) values for each micrographs regardless of viewer image status. There are several ways to do this.

Image shift values through session summary page (beta and 3.5+)

  1. Click on [summary] tag in myamiweb imageviewer. This takes you to the session summary with many statistics.
  2. Click on [data] tag under Image Shift of the preset you need information from.

Beam tilt values through Appion ctf summary page (3.4+)

If the image-shift coma is calibrated on the scope in Leginon, this gives a relion3 compatible star file including the beam tilt expected according to the beam-image shift.
ctf estimation must be performed or transferred to the preset chosen.

  1. Select [processing] from myamiweb imageviewer for the Appion processing menu.
  2. Follow CTF_Estimation to download results for download star file with expected beam tilt for Relion 3.0

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 6 years ago · 5 revisions