


Eagle camera installation and setup » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 08/08/2014 09:51 PM) → Revision 4/11 (Anchi Cheng, 03/19/2015 12:17 AM)

h1. TIA-controlled camera (FEI Eagle) 

 h2. Extra Package and Installation 

 |Tia.dll |(Should come with the microscope)| 

 {{include(comtypes installer)}} 

 h3. Run 

 * From a command line window: 
 <pre>cd C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\pyscope 

 * The output sould contain one of these output 
 Found ES Vision 3.0 Type Library done. 
 Found ES Vision 3.1 Type Library done. 

 h2. instruments.cfg 

 class: tia.TIA 
 zplane: 50 
 height: 4096 
 width: 4096 

 h2. Setup 

 * Set camera configuration to give the [[Leginon Image Orientation|standard Leginon orientation]]. 

 h2. Programs to open before Leginon Client: TIA. 

 h2. Testing with pyscope 

 h2. Trouble shooting 

 In python command 
 form pyscope import tia 
 g = tia.TIA() 

 You should get a bunch of numbers in a numpy array. 

 h2. Trouble shooting Programs to open before Leginon Client: TIA. 

 Some version of TIA may give an error of that at the end of it says 

 _ctypes.COMError: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (u"Camera 'tia' does not exist.''.u'ESVision', None, 0L, 0)) 
 This happens because TIA scripting (ESVision) knows the camera by a different name. 

 The correct name may be in TUI/CCDCamera panel.    Or you can find out from these python commands when the camera in question is active (You can make it active by acquire an image in TIA). 
 from pyscope import tia 
 t = tia.get_tiaccd() 
 c = t.ccd.Camera 
 You should get the camera name as the output. 

 With the name, edit pyscope/ and change in the class TIA, 
     camera_name='THE NAME YOU FOUND' 