


Edit an existing application as an xml file » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/23/2010 10:13 AM) → Revision 2/7 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 02:58 PM)

h1. Edit an existing application as an xml file 

 Application editor behaves well enough that it is not necessary to edit xml files. However, if you want to, here is how. 

 *    Leginon Main Menu/Application/Export> Select the desired application from the pull-down menu. 

 *    Export and save as xml file (with .xml extension on LINUX). The file will be saved to your current directory. 

 *    Edit the xml file in any text editor. 

 Search for the name of the node class that you want to replace and make the changes. 

 The following section of the file controls the name of the application and version number 


 <!-- ApplicationData --> 

 <sqltable name="ApplicationData"> 

 <field name="DEF_id" >264</field> 

 <field name="version" >6</field> 

 <field name="DEF_timestamp" >20041209145648</field> 

 <field name="name" >MSI-raster (1.0)</field> </sqltable> 


 Change the application name in the "name" field and change the "version" field to 0 to later import as a new application 

 Increase the version number to an unused version number if the edited application is to be imported as a newer version of an existing application. 

 *    Leginon Main Menu/Application/Import> Load the changed application xml file. 


 [[Reload and Edit an existing application|< Reload and Edit an existing application]] | [[Create Leginon "Simple Application"|Create Leginon "Simple Application" >]] 
