Exposure Targeting Set-up for MSI-T for Four holes » History » Revision 7
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Anchi Cheng, 08/16/2016 03:49 PM
Exposure Targeting Set-up for MSI-T for Four holes¶
A good way to improve the throughput if there are multiple holes visible in a hl image is to target all four holes.
We can set up for 4 holes with this more challenging example:
About this image:¶
Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Template>¶
- Cross correlation works better than phase correlation in this case because the hole does not have sharp edge and not perfectly round.
- Adjust the value to fill the mean before correlation to minimize the correlation along the edge of grid bar.
- Invert template for correlation if needed.
Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Threshold>¶
- Fairly easy to set.
Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Blobs>¶
- Allow more blobs than the intended 4.
Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Lattice>¶
- Similar to that in Hole Targeting/Lattice step.
- Make measurement of the lattice distance
- Estimate the reference intensity for ice thickness filter.
Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Acquisition>¶
- Set up focus template but DO NOT eliminate focus targets using ice thickness criteria. This works because Leginon (3.1 and above) will automatically choose the center most focus target.
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 8 years ago · 7 revisions