



Exposure Targeting Set-up for MSI-T for Four holes

New Exposure Targeting Set-up in MSI-T for Multiple holes

A good way to improve the throughput if there are multiple holes visible in a hl image is to target all four holes.

We can set up for 4 holes with this more challenging example:

About this image:

This image shows the edge of the grid bar. The intensity at edge of the grid bar has a mean around 20 while the rest has a mean around 45. The four holes are reasonably centered.

Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Template>

  • Cross correlation works better than phase correlation in this case because the hole does not have sharp edge and not perfectly round.
  • Adjust the value to fill the mean before correlation to minimize the correlation along the edge of grid bar.
  • Invert template for correlation if needed.

Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Threshold>

  • Fairly easy to set.

Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Blobs>

  • Allow more blobs than the intended 4.
  • Use border to eliminate those too close to the edge.

Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Lattice>

  • Similar to that in Hole Targeting/Lattice step.
    • Make measurement of the lattice distance
    • Estimate the reference intensity for ice thickness filter.

Leginon/Exposure Targeting/Acquisition>

  • Set up focus template but DO NOT eliminate focus targets using ice thickness criteria. This works because Leginon (3.1 and above) will automatically choose the center most focus target.
  • (3.5 and above) Activate "Apply ice thickness threshold on template-convolved acquisition targets" allows filtering of each convolution generated holes.

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 4 years ago · 14 revisions