


FEI TecnaiTitan installation specifics » History » Revision 23

Revision 22 (Anchi Cheng, 01/29/2018 04:04 PM) → Revision 23/27 (Anchi Cheng, 01/29/2018 04:05 PM)

h1. FEI Tecnai Titan installation specifics 

 h2. Install win32 version of python subpackages 

 Use the 32-bit Windows files (those marked as win32 and certainly not the ones says 64) in for these. 

 Here is the full list 

 h2. Required scripting from FEI 

 |TEM Scripting or Tecnai Scripting|Request this when purchasing the microscope|Required| 
 |TomMoniker Scripting|Should come with TEM Scripting|Required| 
 |Low Dose Server Library|Should come with the microscope if low dose kit was purchased|Required only if you want to use low dose kit with Leginon's Manual Application| 

 h3. Run 

 * From a command line window: 
 <pre>cd C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\pyscope 

 * The output should at least find typelib for 
 TEM Scripting 
 TOM Moniker 

 If you have Low Dose Kit 
 Tecnai Low Dose Kit 

 You will only find Tecnai Exposure Adaptor (Scripting for film exposure) if you ask FEI for it. 

 h2. instruments.cfg 

 cs is *constant for sperical abberation* 

 For Tecnai series: 
 class: fei.Tecnai 
 cs: 2.0e-3 

 For Halo (Titan column with tecnai compustage): 
 class: fei.Halo 
 cs: 2.7e-3 

 For Krios (different compustage) 
 class: fei.Krios 
 cs: 2.7e-3 

 For Krios EF mode, treated as a separate instrument. i.e. add 
 class: fei.EFKrios 
 cs: 2.7e-3 

 h2. Testing with pyscope 

 For Tecnai series In python command 
 from pyscope import fei tecnai 
 t = fei.Tecnai() tecnai.Tecnai() 

 For Krios 
 from pyscope import fei tecnai 
 t = fei.Krios() tecnai.Krios() 

 For Krios with EF-TEM mode, add also 
 from pyscope import fei tecnai 
 t = fei.EFKrios() tecnai.EFKrios() 

 You should get the current magnification at the microscope when the main viewing screen is up 


 h2. Trouble Shooting 

 [[unable to initializ Tecnai interface error]] 

 h2. Programs to open before Leginon Client: None