


Full Protocol on a F30 with an energy filter » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Amber Herold, 06/21/2010 12:25 PM) → Revision 5/7 (Amber Herold, 06/21/2010 12:32 PM)

h1. Full Protocol on a F30 with an energy filter 

 This is edited from a complete protocol written by Lu Gan (Jensen Lab, Caltech) for users 
 who have not used general MSI applications. It is modified to reflect the current Leginon 
 version and a current and graphic-rich protocol by Jian Shi (contact him at for a copy) of the same group. 

 h2. Notes 

 *    Make sure EFTEM is always on 

 *    If presets manager has error, disable then enable "Filtered" box in 
 Tecnai/TUI/GIF> menu. (TUI: Tecnai User Interface) 

 *    Leginon re-aligns ZLP, using a "reference" hole, after each tilt series. 

 * Pause Leginon (for filling dewars, etc.): wait until tilt series is almost done, 
 then press "PAUSE" in FOCUS node. Leginon will pause at start of next tilt 

 * Overall scheme: Take grid atlas. At reference position, do cross-over correction, 
 align presets, center objective aperture. Select and preview targets. Prepare data 
 collection (gr and sq presets = skip sequence). Take dose in tomography setting. Let 
 objective lens equilibrate. Align ZLP, insert objective aperture, fire away! 

 h2. Initial setup 

 #    Tecnai/GIF> Tune GIF with scope column empty 
 #    Tecnai/TUI/Stage> Set Z = 0. 
 #    Tecnai/TUI> Turn on Intensity Zoom 
 #    Tecnai> Remove objective aperture. 
 #    Quit UCSF Tomo, TEM Auto-functions, Low-Dose kit. 

 h2. Start Leginon 

 #    Launch Leginon 
 #    Choose either to start a new session or continue an old one, then launch Multiscale 
 Tomography from Applications menu. 

 h2. Presets setup with empty column 

 #    Leginon/Presets Manager> Set up all the presets except align image shifts. If 
 starting new session, import presets from previous session. If you want to preview 
 images at high mag, make or copy a preview called "preview," which should be set to 3x3 
 to 4x4 binning for greater contrast. 

 h2. Flat fielding and dose calibration 

 #    Tecnai/TUI/EFTEM> Make sure that "filter" is on. 
 #    Leginon/Presets Manager> tomo preset to scope. 
 #    Tecnai/TUI/GIF> Go back to hole and re-align ZLP (and tune GIF if it's been ~24 
 hours since last 
 #    Leginon/Correction/Settings> set camera configuration to match that of the 
 preset. Choose to use 2 correction channels. 
 #    Leginon/Correction> acquire dark current, then acquire bright image, then 
 acquire corrected image to make sure "flat-fielding" worked. 
 #    Leginon/Presets manager> redo dose measurement. 
 #    Leginon/Tomography> recheck dose. 
 #    Leginon/Correction> repeat 4 and 5 for preset fa and hl if they are of different 
 camera binning. 

 h2. Presets setup and grid atlas 

 #    Insert Grid. 
 #    Make sure you're near eucentric height (z = 0 is close enough for Leginon, unless 
 your grid is seriously bent). 
 #    You should know from experience whether the imported "gr" preset aligns reasonable 
 well to higher mags so that you can reach your intended grid square, however inaccurate, 
 without alignment. If this is true, you can follow 4 and 5 immediately. If not, you will 
 need to manually move to a test sacrificial square at Tecnai and acquire the grid atlas 
 after presets alignment. 
 #    Leginon/Grid Targeting> Calculate and then publish a grid atlas using the "Grid 
 Targeting" node. Do NOT pick targets in "Square" node during atlas assembly. 
 #    Leginon/Square Targeting> Pick an broken square on the grid atlas and press the 
 play icon, then save position on Tecnai/TUI/Stage> or in Leginon/Navigation/Stage 
 Locations>. Repeat for a sacrificial square. The broken square is used to manually 
 align the ZLP; the sacrificial square is used to align presets, objective lens, and to 
 record test images. 

 h2. Presets alignment 

 Note: steps 1 and 2 are only necessary for really bad grids (you'll know). 

 #    Tecnai/TUI> stage: go to the sacrificial square. Turn on wobbler 
 #    Tecnai/DM> do auto eucentric height and auto focus. 
 #    Leginon/Presets Manager> hl preset to scope. 
 #    Tecnai/TUI> move the stage to a feature recongnizable across the presets. 
 #    Leginon/Presets Manager> tomo preset to scope. 
 #    Tecnai/TUI> recenter the feature accurately. 
 #    Leginon/Presets Manager> Follow [[MSI_set_up_in_more_details#Medium-mag-preset-image-and-beam-shift-refinement|image shift 
 alignment procedure]] in general MSI set-up using tomo preset as the 

 h2. Objective aperture centering 

 # *    Leginon/Presets Manager> tomography presets to scope. 

 *    Tecnai/TUI/motorized apertures> Put in objective aperture. 

 *    Tecnai> Go into diffraction mode. 

 *    Tecnai> Center image using diffraction shift-X&Y. 

 *    Tecnai/TUI/motorized apertures> Click center in motorized apertures menu. 

 *    Tecnai/TUI/motorized apertures> Center objective aperture, then remove objective 

 h2. Target acquisition 

 1. * Leginon/Grid Targeting> Remove objective aperture, Rename and calculate a new 
 grid atlas, then publish to make a new atlas, and then Reinsert objective 

 ***Note: You only need to take this (second) atlas if the presets - especially 
 square and hole - are poorly aligned, which you'll find out from the previous 
 alignments. If the presets were already aligned, then you can use the original grid 
 atlas. *** 

 2. *    Leginon/Square Targeting> Click on the purple crosshair icon (reference point) 
 and click on a broken square, which will be used for ZLP alignment and dosage. 

 3. *    Leginon/Square Targeting> Pick squares that look good, then press Play button 

 4. *    Leginon/Hole Targeting> While square targets are getting collected, you can 
 start picking targets in the hole targeting menu. Pick a bunch of holes (but not 
 adjacent ones), then pick a focus point for rough Z- focus. To advance to the next 
 square, press the play button but NOT Queue- play !!. play!!. 

 5. *    Leginon/Hole Targeting> After the hole targets are all selected, insert the 
 objective aperture and press Queue-play. 

 6. *    Leginon/Tomography Targeting> DON'T PRESS Queue-play until ready for final 
 tomography acquisition. 

 7. *    Leginon/Tomography Targeting>Remember to pick a FOCUS spot for each hole and 
 tomography target! 

 Tip: you can mouse over the target and get an estimate of the average intensity in 
 the popup menu, which lists X,Y,Cnts. This feature lets you rapidly screen for (1) 
 squares with the thinnest ice and (2) the thinnest targets. 

 8. *    Leginon/Tomography Targeting> To preview target, use preview crosshair to pick 
 the target: 
 * SET defocus in preview preset to -1.2 e-06 m and adjust the exposure time (in 
 milliseconds) such that the dose is ~ 0.2 - 0.5 e-/Angstrum^2 - VERY 

 * If you pick a preview target and press Play button, it will be processed 
 immediately. Therefore, don't do it until all hl images are taken. 

 * After you have inspected the preview image, you can come back to Tomography 
 Targeting node to pick final targets on the same image. Alternatively, you can 
 pick the targets first with the preview target and then remove the unwanted ones 
 after previewing. 

 9. *    Leginon/Tomography> check data collection parameters: dose, tilt range, tilt 
 interval. See [[Running the application#Import_Notes_about_Image_Intensity_Recorded_through_Tomography_Node|notes <link linkend="Tomo_Intensity">notes on image intensity recorded through 
 tomography]]. tomography</link>. (If you want -60 to 60 tilts, you should ender -61 to 61 since the 
 limiting algorithm is "smaller than" not "smaller than or equal to". 

 10. *    Leginon/Presets> setup data collection parameters for focus &amp; tomography: 
 mag, defocus, INT (INT for focus should be greater than for tomo). 

 h2. Final checklist: Getting ready to collect 

 *    Leginon/Presets manager> tomo preset to scope. 

 *    Tecnai/TUI/Stage> Go to reference point. 

 *    Leginon/Tomography node> re-check dose and re-center beam. 

 *    Leginon/Exposure targeting> press queue-play. Atlas does NOT need to be 


 [[Running the application|< Running the application]] | [[Leginon "MSI-Tomography" Application|Leginon "MSI-Tomography" Application ^]] 
