Gatan K2 Instruments cfg » History » Revision 1
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Anchi Cheng, 10/31/2013 05:20 PM
The camera modes are configured as separate cameras as follows. Note that Super Resolution should be double the size of Linear and Counting. Also note that zplane will be relative to any other cameras in your system. Anything below K2 should have a lower zplane.
In addition, to make the images acquired from the camera to have the standard Leginon orientation, the camera configuration in Digital Micrograph will need a rotation and flip (270 degree rotation and a horizontal flip on our camera). Therefore, the height becomes longer than width.
[Gatan K2 Linear] class: dmsem.GatanK2Linear zplane: 50 width: 3710 height: 3838 [Gatan K2 Counting] class: dmsem.GatanK2Counting zplane: 50 width: 3710 height: 3838 [Gatan K2 Super] class: dmsem.GatanK2Super zplane: 50 width: 7420 height: 7676
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 11 years ago · 1 revisions