


Gatan K2 installation and setup » History » Revision 13

Revision 12 (Anchi Cheng, 06/05/2014 10:54 PM) → Revision 13/47 (Anchi Cheng, 06/06/2014 11:25 AM)

h1. Gatan K2 unique installation and setup 

 h2. Gatan K2 is controlled by a computer separated from the microscope 

 Please read [[Using_Leginon_on_a_system_where_the_microscope_and_camera_are_controlled_by_different_computers]] first. 

 h2. Extra Package and Installation 

 * Use all amd64 version of Windows installer 

 * SerialEM DigitalMicrograph Plug-in 


 h2. instruments.cfg 


 h2. Setup 

 * Set camera configuration to 270 degree rotation and flip around the vertical axis to give the [[Leginon Image Orientation|standard Leginon orientation]].    Note that the rotation required is different if it is installed post-GIF and/or on Krios. 
 * Set the [[Low_dose_shutter_configuration_for_Gatan_camera_in_Digital_Micrograph_program|shutter configuration in DM]] to protect the specimen when camera is not taking images. 
 * Create the folder to store the dose fractionation raw frames.    Default location is D:\\frames. 
 * Setup [[DDD_raw_frame_file_transfer|raw frame file transfer]] from a network data server. 

 h2. Change Flag in pyscope/ if you have DM 2.30 version and requires flip/rotation to give the Leginon orientation. 

 In standard python site-package installation, this file is at C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\pyscope\ 

 Find this line near the top: 
 isDM230 = False 
 Change it to 
 isDM230 = True 

 h2. Testing with pyscope 


 h2. Programs to open before Leginon Client: Digital Micrograph 

 h2. See more about K2 implementation in [[Using_Gatan_K2_Summit_in_Leginon]]