


HM Beam Shift Image Shift Calibration » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 10/29/2010 05:41 PM) → Revision 4/13 (Anchi Cheng, 10/29/2010 06:43 PM)

h1. Calibration required on FEI microscopes using TUI 

 Two calibrations should be done on FEI Tecnai, Polara, and Titan series of microscope for using Leginon MSI applications. 

 h2. HM Beam Shift/Image Shift Calibration 

 h3. Purpose purpose 

 allow image shift without moving the beam and _vice versa_. 

 h3. Procedure procedure 

 #    From TUI Workset look for Alignment tools and start Image/Beam calibration located inside Image HM-TEM. Follow its instruction for the calibration. 


 h2. TEM Scripting Beam Tilt Calibration 

 h3. Purpose 

 Leginon and its subsystem pyscope uses the property Illumination.RotationCenter in Tecnai/TEM Scripting to set/get beam tilt values.    We have noticed that some version On Titan, this might be of the TEM or Tecnai Scripting defines the function for set/get Ilumination.RotationCenter in units other than the original radians.    Since Leginon need the values in radians, a scale factor need to be assigned.    We do not not know which version requires non-default scale factors.    Therefore, we recommend that all scopes be checked before using Leginon MSI applications with beam-tilt-based autofocusing. similar name. 

 h3. Material 

 #    Gold-shadowed diffraction grating replica for TEM calibration such as Ted Pella's prodoct #606 or #607. 

 h3. Procedures 

 # Put the grating replica grid in a root temperature specimen holder 
 # Insert the specimen holder in the microscope 
 # From microscope-controlling PC, navigate to the installed myami/pyscope directory.    Most likely C:\\Python25\Lib\site-packages\pyscope 
 # Find and double click the python file ** to start the script 
 # Follow the instruction to determine the scale factor. 
 # At the end of the script, the beam should be tilted back to the center and the script window closed.    If the window does not close, force it to close should not cause any problem. 
 # In the same folder, find **    Open it with a plain-text editor or python's IDLE and look for the following lines close to the beginning of the file. 
 # This scale convert beam tilt readout in radian to  
 # Tecnai or TEM Scripting Illumination.RotationCenter value 
 # Depending on the version,    this may be 1.0 or closer to 6 
 rotation_center_scale = 1.0 
 # replace the number in the last line with the rotation_center_scale determined while running ** 