How does Leginon Name the Files » History » Revision 7
Revision 6 (Amber Herold, 06/24/2010 11:31 AM) → Revision 7/8 (Eric Hou, 06/24/2010 11:53 AM)
h1. How does Leginon Name the Files Leginon image files are typically named 09mar16a_atlas1_00005gr_00003sq_00001hl_v1_00002en.mrc This name includes # sessionname: 09mar16a # grid atlas label: atlas1 # target number in the target list: 00005; 00003; 00001; 00002 # presetname with which the image is aquired: gr; sq; hl; en # target version: v1 Since Leginon always defines target on an image, and an image is acquired at the location of the target offsets from the parent image of the target, a family tree is estabilished. The filename therefore carries this family tree of the multi-scaled imaging. * Grid atlas label is always unique in the session. When robotic grid insertion/extration or Grid Entry node class is used for large-scale screening, the atlas label is replaced by the grid label, unique within the project, and the insertion number. * Each target in the target list an Acquisition node class or subclass receives has a unique number. Ocassionally a target in the list is out of range of the goniometer or is aborted for various reasons before acquired. The filename will therefore skip the number. * When drift is declared, a new version of the target is obtained through the node of TransformManager class, therefore the image acquired using that target carries the version number to distinguish it from the original. ______ [[Why_does_the_first_Grid_Image_Not_Numbered_00001|Why is the first Grid Image Not Numbered 00001? >]] ______