


How to Update from v21 (Linux) » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 05/02/2012 04:54 PM) → Revision 4/15 (Anchi Cheng, 05/02/2012 04:54 PM)

h1. How to Update from v21 (Linux) 

 Process of downloading and updating to 2.2 is generally the same as the one for [[How_to_Update_from_v20_(Linux)]] 

 Please follow that instruction but substitute any mention of 2.1 with 2.2 

 h2. Assigning Cs value for each TEM used by Leginon that show up in the list of required update when is run at the end is used to assign individual spherical aberration constant (Cs) values to different microscope.    Please find out what these values are in advance before running the script to save time. 

 Running the python script will prompt you at each TEM you have used so far so that you can enter the value in unit of *millimeter* 

 The Cs value also need to match what is set in pyscope/instrument.cfg before you will be able to acquire more images.    See [[How to Update toUpdate from v2.1 (Microscope Windows Computer)]] 


 [[How_to_Update_from_v21_(Microscope_Windows_Computer)|How to Update from v2.1 (Microscope Windows Computer) >]] 
