


How to Update from v22-redux (Linux) » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 12/13/2013 07:03 PM) → Revision 2/7 (Anchi Cheng, 12/13/2013 07:04 PM)

h1. How to Update from v22-redux (Linux) 

 2.2-redux version is installed on CentOS6 and uses redux.    Its upgrade to Leginon/Appion 3.0 release does not require os upgrade. 

 h1. Upgrade web server 

 h2. Rename your current myamiweb at the document root of the web server to something else as a backup. 

 h2. Follow [[Install_Redux_image_server]] instruction 

 instruction.    You may copy the old redux.cfg to the new installation. 

 h2. Install updated Web viewers and tools 

 See [[Install the Web Interface]] section in Complete Installation Chapter to put the new myamiweb tools to document root for the web server.   

 h2. Copy config.php from your older myamiweb backup to the new myamiweb folder. 

 h1. Upgrade processing server 

 h2. Download myami 3.0 source code 

 svn co 

 h2. Install Appion/Leginon Packages 

 h3. Install all the myami python packages _except appion_ using the following script: 

 cd /your_download_area 
 cd myami 
 sudo ./ install 

 That will install each package, and report any failures.    To determine the cause of failure, see the generated log file "pysetup.log".    If necessary, you can enter a specific package directory and run the python setup command manually.    For example, if sinedon failed to install, you can try again like this:  

 cd sinedon 
 sudo python install 

 h3. Move leginon.cfg/instruments.cfg/sinedon.cfg if it was saved with the old installation. 

 Run this script to find out where it was: 
 cd /your_download_area/myami/leginion/ 
 If the script can not find leginon.cfg, and you found a copy of leginon.cfg in $PYTHONSITEPKG/leginon/config from the last installation, move that leginon.cfg to $PYTHONSITEPKG/leginon. 

 {{include(Appion:Run Database Update Script)}} 


 [[How_to_Update_from_v22_(Instrument_Windows_Computer)| How to Update from v2.2 (Instrument Computer) >]] 
