


How to Update from v32 (Instrument Windows Computer) » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Anchi Cheng, 10/11/2017 12:29 PM) → Revision 6/13 (Anchi Cheng, 10/11/2017 12:31 PM)

h1. How to Update from v3.2 v32 (Instrument Windows Computer) 

 h2. Preparation 

 You will need these myami subpackages from the myami-3.3 branch you want from of our git repository. 

 | leginon|modular TEM image acquisition| 
 | pyami|general functions| 
 | sinedon|database interaction| 
 | pyscope|microscope control and monitoring| 
 | imageviewer|image viewing for tomography| 


 h2. No internet access - copy from linux Leginon workstation the python files. 

 If your Windows computer has no access to internet, copy from your linux processing server the git clone of myami super package of the right branch for the installation which you used to upgrade there. 

 See [[Download_Appion_Files|Acquiring NRAMM GIT Repository files]] for different examples and match the repository with what you do on the Linux side. 



 h2. With internet access 

 h3. Install Git-for-Windows 

 [[include(git_for_windows installation)}} 

 h3. Clone the proper branch from git repository 


 h2. Install 

 h3. Move the cloned folder according to your use environment variable PYTHONPATH if you use that during the original installation. 


 h3. Install to default python site-packages 

 * Start a command line Window from Start Menu 

 * Install the package in each folder with commands such as 
 <pre>cd path_to\myami-VERSION\myami\leginon 
 c:\\python27\python.exe install</pre> 
 Then continue with the other packages, replacing leginon with the package name. See the packages listed above for the complete list. 

 h2. Configure 

 h1. GatanK2Summit 

 Compare pyscope/dmsem.cfg.template with your active dmsem.cfg There are additional configuration that you may want to add.