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Anchi Cheng, 12/08/2017 04:56 PM

Import Export Application Settings as json file

We have a pair python scripts used for exporting and importing application settings in your_myami/dbschema/tools.
You need to run this on your leginon linux station where leginon is installed so it can find the python library.

Export to json file

Once you have a session that successfully use the settings that you would like to distribute

cd /your_myami/dbschema
python ./ <sessionname> <optional partial application name> <optional node name prefix>

The options means that you could export the settings specific to the application, or node.

Import into database

The settings needed for the application can be imported into Leginon

cd /your_myami/dbschema
python ./ <your_application name>

It will prompt you for location of the settings json file if it can not find it automatically.
The default location of the file is /your_myami/leginon/applications/your_application.json

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 7 years ago · 2 revisions