



Install supporting packages

Using the Required Supporting Packages table below, install any missing prerequisite packages by following the instructions for your specific Linux distribution.

For example, SUSE users can use YaST to install them; RedHat and CentOS users can use yum, Debian and Ubuntu uses apt-get.

We highly recommend using pre-built binary packages to install the programs. Installing from source can quickly become a nightmare! See also the previous page, Instructions_for_installing_CentOS_on_your_computer for Red Hat based systems.

Required supporting packages:

Name: Download site: yum package name SuSE rpm name Debian 8 package name
Python 2.7 or newer python python-devel python
wxPython or newer wxPython python-wxGTK python-wxgtk3.0
Python Imaging Library (PIL) fork Pillow * python-pillow python-pillow python-pillow
NumPy 1.0.1 or newer numpy numpy python-numpy
SciPy 0.5.1 (tested, others may work)* scipy python-scipy python-scipy


pip install PyMySQL==0.10.1

Leginon Only (for RCT)

Name: Download site: yum package name SuSE rpm name Debian 8 package name
opencv 2 (tested 2.4.10) opencv ? ?

Leginon Only (for Slack Notification Option)

Name: pip yum package name SuSE rpm name Debian 8 package name
slackclient(1.0.0 tested for python 2.6 and python 2.7) pip install slackclient==1.0.0 ? ? ?
  • If installed on CentOS 6, also do
    pip install requests==2.18.4

For CentOS, see Download additional Software page, if you have trouble finding these packages.


SUSE specific issues

You can test your numpy and scipy install with their build in test functions:

python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test(level=1)'
python -c 'import scipy; scipy.test(level=1)'

Numpy is more stable should be successful. Expect to see lots of errors with scipy.

Mac OS X 10.5+:

You can successfully install most of these packages on a Mac by downloading DMG files and clicking on the install programs. This is not for novice Mac user. Be warned, wxpython problems on Mac will make your life difficult in using Leginon gui. Don't make your mac the only processing server if it is Leginon that you will use mainly.

  1. First, start by downloading the Mac OS X Installer Disk Image (v2.6 recommended) from and install the newer version of python
  2. Download and install numpy and scipy DMG files from and
  3. Download and install wxPython DMG file from
Other program need more work:
  1. The Python Imaging Library (PIL) has be compiled from source, which also requires the Mac OS X Developer tools to be installed.

Download Leginon Files >

Updated by Anchi Cheng about 14 years ago · 7 revisions