



Install the Web Interface Advanced

Manual configuration instructions (Advanced User)

Note: You may skip this section if you configured your installation with the setup wizard at http://localhost/myamiweb/setup.

Copy config.php.template to config.php and edit the latter by adding these parameters:
"config.php" should be located in /var/www/html/myamiweb/ on CentOS and /srv/www/htdocs/myamiweb/ on SuSE.

  1. define site base path
    This should be changed if the myamiweb directory is located
    in a sub-directory of the Apache web directory.
    ex. myamiweb is in /var/www/html/applications/myamiweb/ then
    change to define('BASE_PATH',"applications/myamiweb");

  2. myamiweb login system
    // Browse to the administration tools in myamiweb prior to 
    // changing this to true to populate DB tables correctly.
    define('ENABLE_LOGIN', false);    

  3. Administrator email title and email address
    define('EMAIL_TITLE', 'The name of your institute');
    define('ADMIN_EMAIL', "");

  4. SMTP Server setup (not required but recommended):
    define('ENABLE_SMTP', false);
    define('SMTP_HOST', '');    //your smtp host

    1. When SMTP server requires authentication
      // --- Check this with your email administrator -- //
      // --- Set it to true if your SMTP server requires authentication -- //
      define('SMTP_AUTH', false);
      // --- If SMTP_AUTH is not required(SMTP_AUTH set to false, -- //
      // --- no need to fill in 'SMTP_USERNAME' & SMTP_PASSWORD -- //
      define('SMTP_USERNAME', "");
      define('SMTP_PASSWORD', "");

  5. Setup your MySQL database server parameters:
    define('DB_HOST', "");        // DB Host name
    define('DB_USER', "");        // DB User name
    define('DB_PASS', "");        // DB Password
    define('DB_LEGINON', "");    // Leginon database name
    define('DB_PROJECT', "");    // Project database name

  6. Enable Image Cache
    If you want to use caching function for faster image loading time in image viewer, change 'ENABLE_CACHE' to true.
    You can change the 'CACHE_PATH' to other location, but make sure the apache user has write access to this folder.
    // --- Enable Image Cache --- //
    define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);
    // --- caching location --- //
    // --- please make sure the apache user has write access to this folder --- //
    define('CACHE_PATH', '/srv/www/cache/');
    define('CACHE_SCRIPT', WEB_ROOT.'/makejpg.php');

  7. Add Redux Image server parameters

    The server port chosen should match the value found in redux.log when the redux server is started.

Additional parameters needed for Appion Installations only:

Error executing the include macro (Page not found)

We will not include the cluster registration now. It is covered in the last part of this document.

Go back to Install the Web Interface

Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions