InstallationUpdate problems » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Amber Herold, 04/15/2010 10:09 AM) → Revision 3/8 (Amber Herold, 04/15/2010 10:09 AM)
h1. InstallationUpdate problems
* <link linkend="InstT_win_install">Python installer fails on pyScope and numExtension for
* <link linkend="InstT_bad_update">Not all files are updated</link>
* <link linkend="InstT_1st_Grp">New Group/User added does not show up in the selection
list in Web Leginon Administration Tool</link>.
* <link linkend="Inst_no_tomo">I can't install SciPy/NumPy on SUSE</link>
* <link linkend="InstT_php_display_error">Something is not showing in Web viewer or the
administration tool components</link>
* <link linkend="instlT_updatecom">Stage does not move after a pyScope update on the
computer controlling the microscope</link>
h2. Failed pyScope numExtension Window installation through
* Specially compiled pyScope and numExtension are needed to comunicate with Gatan
CCD camera. Currently we only have them compiled for python2.5
Solution: Download and use python2.5 and use the window-installer in win-install
folder (start by double-clicking them) not "python install".
h2. Incomplete Leginon update
This normally happens to files that you have modified in the previous version.
* unknown
Solution: Remove the old installation first.
* Find the location of your Leginon installation. Once you have tried,even
unsuccessfully, to install Leginon. You can use the following command to find
the directory:
<pre>Linux> cd
Linux> -v</pre>
<pre>Window> Go to \All Programs\Leginon\Leginon Folder from your Start Menu</pre>
* Go to the directory above it. This is normally the site-package directory
under your python installation
<pre>Linux> rm -r Leginon
Window> drag the Leginon folder to Recycle Bin</pre>
* Redo Leginon installation.
h2. Installation without a class of nodes
If you encounter a problem with node classes that you don't actually use, you may avoid
loading the codes with the following modification:
* Fnd the location of your Leginon installation
<pre>Linux> cd
Linux> -v</pre>
* go to the subdirectory of noderegistry
<pre>Linux/home> cd leginon_directory/noderegistry</pre>
* edit the file "default.ncr" to coment out the registry of the class of nodes that
you do not need (Tomography node class in this example):
#module: tomography
#type: Pipeline
#package: tomography</pre>
h2. SciPy Installation failed in SuSE
SciPy may not build properly on some versions of SuSE due to an incompatible LAPACK
package that comes with SuSE. You can get scipy as well as a compatible LAPACK etc. from (need to specify your SuSE version and machine etc.
h2. Display errors on webviewer and web
administration tools
To display error and report them to get help for the php, including mysql-php and mrc
extension, do the following:
* Find your php.ini the following parameters and change them accordingly:
<pre>display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE</pre>
* Restart your apache server
<pre>> /etc/init.d/apache2 restart</pre>
* From your webbrowser, refresh the problematic page. If you don't know what to do
with it, report it when you ask for help.
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