



Installation on the instrument computers

Only processing-side of Leginon system is needed. This same procedure should be
performed on EACH instrument computer you want to use Leginon on. Same procedure is to be repeated if new instrument is added.
For situation with the microscope operated at 2 different HT values which gives different magnification set, such as EFTEM mode vs TEM mode, it is better dealt with as different microscope. Adding post-GIF camera on a scope with Leginon installed ... shows how to add a Tecnai subclass to give a new identity to the special mode.

You need to know what microscope and camera you are controlling before starting this.

Package Requirement and Download

Installation Required by all instruments

Configuration related to Leginon

Additional installation specific to the microscope

Additional installation specific to the camera

Additional Setup

Trouble shooting with Python IDLE

Specific notes for various microscopes

Installation specific for FEI Tecnai/Titan/Krios running on 32-bit computer or 64-bit computer

Installation specific for FEI Talos/Arctica/Glacios with pre-installed 64-bit python

Installation specific for JEOL scopes with COM support

Jeol 1230 installation specifics

Hitachi 7800 installation specifics

< Installation Required by all instruments | Additional installation specific to the camera >

Specific installation/setup notes for various camera


Gatan (CCD/CMOS camera)

Gatan K2

Gatan K3

FEI Eagle

FEI Ceta

Falcon I or II/Orius Combination

Falcon 3EC


< Additional installation specific to the microscope | Additional Setup >

< Additional Database Server Setup | Steps needed for Installation Using Database Administration Tools >

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 9 years ago · 86 revisions