


Installation on the microscope computer 30 » History » Revision 39

Revision 38 (Anchi Cheng, 10/31/2013 04:59 PM) → Revision 39/70 (Anchi Cheng, 10/31/2013 05:03 PM)

h1. Installation on the microscope computer (svn trunk) 

 h2. If you are installing 2.2, see [[Installation on the microscope computer]] 

 Only processing-side of Leginon system is needed 

 h2. h1. [[Windows Package Requirement 30|Package Requirement and Download]] 

 h2. h1. [[Windows Installation All|Installation]] 

 h2. h1. [[Windows Myami Configuration|Configuration related to Leginon]] 

 h2. h1. [[Windows Setup After Software Installation|Additional Setup]] 

 h1. Unique installation/setup for each camera in case you miss them 

 h2. Gatan K2 Experimental support: 

 * [[Gatan K2 Installation Notes]] 

 h2. Falcon/Orius Combination Suport: 

 * [[Falcon-Orius Combination Installation Notes]] 

 [[Additional Database Server Setup after Web Server Installation|< Additional Database Server Setup]] | [[Steps involved in the installation| Steps needed for Installation Using Database Administration Tools >]] 
