


Installation on the microscope computer 30 » History » Revision 60

Revision 59 (Anchi Cheng, 11/01/2017 12:15 AM) → Revision 60/70 (Anchi Cheng, 11/01/2017 12:16 AM)

h1. Specific notes for various microscopes 

 h2. [[FEI Tecnai/Titan installation specifics|Installation specific for FEI Tecnai/Titan/Krios running on 32-bit computer or 64-bit computer]] 

 h2. [[FEI Talos installation specifics|Installation specific for FEI Talos computer]] 

 h2. [[JEOLCOM installation specifics|Installation specific for JEOL scopes with COM support]] 

 h2. [[Jeol 1230 installation specifics]] 



  [[Windows Installation All|< Installation Required by all instruments]] | [[installation on the camera computer|Additional installation specific to the camera >]] 