


Instrument Usage Specifics » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 08/11/2014 07:24 PM) → Revision 4/5 (Anchi Cheng, 08/12/2014 10:22 AM)

h1. Instrument Usage Specifics Configuration GUI 

 Instrument usage for general users and super users configuration is found in several places.    They are listed here.    General overview is followed by specific used to select instrument instruction if available. Leginon controls and configure their behavior. 

 # [[Instrument Selection]] 
 # [[Camera Configuration]] 
 # [[Saving Frames from Direct Detectors]] 

 h2. Using Specific Instrument 

 h3. TEM 

 * [[Using FEi Titan Krios in Leginon]] 

 h3. Camera 

 * [[Using_DE_DDD_in_Leginon|Direct Electron DE-12 and DE-20]] 
 * [[Using_Falcon_Orius_combo_in_Leginon|FEI Falcon]] 
 * [[Using_Gatan_K2_Summit_in_Leginon|Gatan K2 Summit]] 


 [[Leginon "Manual Application"|< Leginon "Manual Application"]] | [[Leginon "Calibrations" Application|Leginon "Calibrations" Application >]] 
