



J2100f k2 preset design

Magnification: Preset name: Image Shift (x,y): Dimension: Binning: Camera Dose (e/camera pixel/s): Exposure Time (ms): Specimen Dose Rate (e/A^2): Spot Size: Defocus (m): C2 (um): frame saving:
80 gr Aligned 927x959 4 10 100 n/a 5 0.0 100 no
800 sq Aligned 927x959 4 10 100 n/a 3 0.0 50 no
2500 hl Aligned 927x959 4 10 400 0.008 4 -2e-5 50 no
2500 hc Aligned 927x959 4 10 400 0.008 4 -2e-5 50 no
25000 fc 0,0 926x926 2 >=10* 400 8.8 4 -2.9e-7 50 no
25000 fm 0,0 n/a n/a high n/a high 4 n/a 50 no
25000 fa 0,0 927x959 4 >=10* 200 3.5 4 -1.5e-6 50 no
30000 ed 0,0 3710x3838 1 8 e/pixel/s and ~1.3 um on the specimen 5000 27 4 (-1e-6 to -2e-6) 50 200 ms/frame
  • Spot 5 on this scope is modified by JEOL engineers to reduce the beam intensity further from the original values so that it does not over dose K2 sensor.
  • The strong image shift hysteresis of the 800x square preset required us to use MSI application that has an extra step of centering the holes using 2500x mag. See Leginon_Operation for_JEM_scopes

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago · 2 revisions