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Anchi Cheng, 09/14/2010 11:04 AM

Linux distribution recommendation

Our Preference : CentOS

If you have a new computer(s) for your Leginon/Appion installation, we recommend installing CentOS because it is considered to be more stable than other varieties of Linux.

CentOS is the same as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), except that it is free and supported by the community.

We have most experience in the installation of the supporting packages on CentOS and this installation guide has specific instruction for the process.

Other know cases of success:

  • Two members of the lab has Processing-server of Appion/Leginon installed on Fedora 10.
  • We have also a case of SuSE installation a year ago. However, since php-mrc module needed at Web server is not yet working on php 5.3 and above which current SuSE come with,
    php will need to be downgraded if you intend to use SuSE.

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 14 years ago · 1 revisions