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Anchi Cheng, 03/15/2022 05:03 PM

MSI-Ptolemy API information for developers

Square_Finding node:

The square finding should operate on each gr image tile at its saved mrc dimension.

  1. Shell script to call and specified in Blobs settings.
  2. Output json file is a list of square blob founds by the algorithm. For each item, it requires the following key, value pairs.

area: integer

number of pixels the square opening on the gr tile image.

center: (integer, integer)

The coordinate of the square opening center (col, row) with (0,0) at the start of the data block in the mrc image.

score: (float)

The score of the blob as goodness of the blob as a good square. The higher the number the better.

vertices: [(integer, integer), (integer, integer), (integer, integer), .....]

convex-hull vertices used by leginon to determine if a cursor position is within the square blob. Same coordinate system as centers.

Updated by Anchi Cheng almost 3 years ago · 1 revisions