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Anchi Cheng, 06/18/2012 09:39 PM

Make DE-12 movie stack

We've made appion function to correct raw frames from DE-12 collected through Leginon. This is not functional in standard Leginon/Appion installation with CentOS 5.x because the module we found ( that reads tiff files efficiently is written in python 2.6 while CetOS 5.x comes with python 2.4 still.

If you would like to use this, you will need to install python 2.6 and its matching supporting packages on some computer and run it there with database and data disk connection. Leginon does work with python 2.6.

Two simple examples that uses the module are attached here. let you correct a range of raw frames in an image and output as mrc file. let you correct each frame in the specified summed image and output at 2D image stack in mrc format.

In Appion, you should get a processing menu for Direct Detector Tools if you configure myamiweb/config.php with


That will allow you to choose what images to correct in the usual Appion way and make the mrc stacks for the whole session on given preset.

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 12 years ago · 1 revisions