


Matrix Calibrator » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/23/2010 10:02 AM) → Revision 2/6 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 02:44 PM)

h1. Matrix Calibrator 

 Matrix calibrator performs four different calibrations that based on linear transformation 
 conversion: Image shift, beam shift, stage position, and image/beam shift 


 Required bindings 

 Required bindings to use preset instrument configuration set by presets manager 

 <simplelist type="vert"> 
 <member> PresetsManagerNode - (PresetChangedEvent) -> MatrixCalibratorNode</member> 

 Matrix calibration is made by making N sets of measurements (specified by "N Average"). 
 Each measurement set acquires three images, first at a given origin, second with an x-axis 
 movement in the specified "Parameter" by the specified "Shift Fraction" of the image, and 
 third with an y-axis movement by the same shift fraction. The resulting shifts in the acquired 
 images are obtained by cross correlation. A transformation matrix is then generated for the 
 measurement set. The origin is shifted by the "Interval" specified in the node, in meters 
 before the next set of measurements is taken. At the end, the N matrixes obtained are averaged 
 and saved in the database at the specific magnification and movement type and can be applied 
 to any camera configuration. "Tolerance", expressed in fraction of image, is used as an error 
 check. The calibration is considered failed when the measured movement is much different from 
 that calculated from pixel calibration 

 Because the calibration is based on correlation of the acquired images, well contrasted 
 images with the intended movement clearly shown but not by such a large amount that the 
 apparent feature is altered is the key for sucessful calibrations. 

 Image shift calibration is useful only on FEI microscope where image shift/beam shift 
 compensation is calibrated and stored at the scope. Without such stored calibration, Image 
 shift/Beam shift calibration is required instead. 

 h2.    Toolbar 

 *    Settings = Adjust the manual image acquisition parameters. 

 *    Acquire Image = Acquire a current image. 

 *    Stage Position | Image Shift | Beam Shift = Choose the type of calibration to 

 *    Parameter Settings = Adjust the parameters (and limits) for the calibration 

 *    Calibrate = Start the calibration. 

 *    Abort = Stop the Continuous Acquire function. 

 *    Edit Current Calibration = Edit the matrix when the calibration is completed. Not 
 recommended for beginner. 

 h2.    Settings 

 *    Use "phase | cross" correlation = Select the type of correlation used to 
 calculate the calibration. 

 *    Override Preset = use this node's <link linkend="camconfig">Instrument and Camera 
 Configuration</link> to acquire the images in this node 

 h2.    Parameter Settings 

 *    Tolerance = percent error allowed when calculating the calibration 

 *    Shift Fraction = amount sequential images should shift relative to each 

 *    Average = the number of sequential images that are acquired in order to calculate 
 the calibration 

 *    Interval "2e-6" = the interval (m) that is used to move the stage/beam/image 
 position to take images required for the image sequence 

 *    Use current positon as starting point = When enabled (default), the current stage 
 postion is used to begin the calibration 

 *    Base (x,y) = If "Use current position as starting point" is not enabled, this 
 position will be used to start the calibration 

 h2.    Image Control Panel 

 This panel controls which image is shown in the Image Display area. 

 *    Image = shows the corrected images as they are acquired 

 *    Correlation = shows the correlation image between sequential images in a 

 *    Peak = shows an orange crosshair over the Peak that has been identified from the 
 correlation image 


 [[Matlab Target Finder|< Matlab Target Finder]] | [[Mosaic Click Target Finder|Mosaic Click Target Finder >]] 
