



Minimum Requirements and current NRAMM setup » History » Revision 64

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Anchi Cheng, 09/14/2017 07:26 PM

Minimum Requirements

Compatible Instrument

Second Computer Running CentOS 6
Minimum Requirements for frame-saving direct detectors
Minimum Requirements for non-frame-saving camera

h2, Current NRAMM setup

SEMC file storage policy

and policy for file storage:

  1. 10 Gbs network between frame saving camera and the file server.
  2. Raw frames are transferred off camera with rsync using which also removed the finished frame stack on the camera to make room for more to come.
  3. These raw frames are needed if default frame processing does not give optimal results. We keep these on network drive for 30 days and make it user's responsibility to archive this on external drives. bzip or bzip2 are commonly used by the users to compress the files. Since the raw frames are integers, it can be easily compressed to 4-10 times smaller.
  1. In the frame processing Appion script, if frame alignment is performed (usually finished within a day or two after data acquisition), the aligned frame stack is removed right away after integrating into single sum image to save space.
  2. User will use the summed aligned-movie saved in the Leginon database as "-a" images. 95% of the users do not require frame-aligned stack after this point.

- 10GB network card to support direct transfer from K2 camera and connection to the scope.


Leginon system components developed at Leginon home

Leginon Home:

Supporting packages and programs available through internet or your Linux distribution

There are minimum of ten packages or single programs, some of them are included in your
Linux distribution.

Leginon supporting programs available upon request

adaexp.exe that is required if film exposure is to be made through Leginon on FEI Tecnai
machines is available by request. Please contact Max Otten: (mto at
and let him know what version of the Tecnai user interface you are using.

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Updated by Anchi Cheng over 7 years ago · 64 revisions