


Minimum Requirements and current NRAMM setup » History » Revision 73

Revision 72 (Anchi Cheng, 03/11/2019 05:20 PM) → Revision 73/75 (Anchi Cheng, 01/29/2020 07:16 PM)

h1. Requirements 

 h2. [[Compatible Instrument]] 

 h2. Second Computer Running CentOS 6 

 [[Minimum Requirements for frame-saving direct detectors]] 
 [[Minimum Requirements for non-frame-saving camera]] 

 h2. Current NRAMM setup 


 h3. Hardware [[Current NRAMM setup]] [[NCCAT Hardware]] 


 h3. [[SEMC file storage policy|NRAMM/SEMC file storage policy]] 

 h3. [[Buffer(Ingestion) Server setup]] 

 h2. Software 

 h3. Leginon system components developed at Leginon home 

 Leginon Home:    "": 

 h3. Supporting packages and programs available through internet or your Linux distribution 

 There are minimum of ten packages or single programs, some of them are included in your 
 Linux distribution. 

 h3. Leginon supporting programs available upon request 

 *adaexp.exe* that is required if film exposure is to be made through Leginon on FEI Tecnai 
 machines is available by request. Please contact Max Otten: (mto at 
 and let him know what version of the Tecnai user interface you are using. 


 [[Graphical User Interface|< Graphical User Interface]] | [[Getting Started|Getting Started >]] 
