


Network problems » History » Revision 9

Revision 8 (Alex Kadokura, 05/19/2010 11:42 AM) → Revision 9/16 (Alex Kadokura, 05/19/2010 11:42 AM)

h1. Network problems 

 [[Network problems#Microscope_host_that_runs_Leginon_client_does_not_appear_in_the_Launcher_list_on_the_Leginon_processing|Leginon problems|#Microscope_host_that_runs_Leginon_client_does_not_appear_in_the_Launcher_list_on_the_Leginon_processing|Leginon not seeing the microscope host]] 

 h2.    Microscope host that 
 runs Leginon client does not appear in the Launcher list on the Leginon processing 

 <title>Possible reasons:</title> 
 * Host files are not configured properly so that the computers can not commnuicate 
 by specifying the hostname. 

 * Connection is refused by one of the computers involved. This might be caused by a 
 firewall or a inactive server. 

 <title>Testing and Solutions:</title> 
 * <link linkend="network_tests">Test network connection</link> with test scripts and as described in the "Start Leginon" chapter.    Various solutions 
 are listed in the same section. 

 For more discussion, see leginon bulletin board    "thread on network 
 problems": . 


 [[Test run operation problems|< Test run operation problems]] | [[Troubles with Imaging|Troubles with Imaging >]] 
