


New User Features 31 » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Anchi Cheng, 07/08/2014 02:39 AM) → Revision 2/7 (Anchi Cheng, 07/08/2014 02:39 AM)

h1. New User Features 31 

 h2. [[FEI Falcon camera I and II support]] 

  * Acquire summed image thru Leginon 
  * Configure IntermediateConfig.xml for frame saving using FEI's IntermediateImageTool through Leginon 
  * Trigger raw frame saving 
  * [[DDD_raw_frame_file_transfer|Transfer raw frame images off hard drive of FEI PC during data collection to a network drive]]. 
  * [[appion:GainDark_correction_of_the_raw_frame_with_or_without_drift_correction|Compile mrc movie stack thru Appion]] 

 h2. [[appion:Direct_Detector_Frame_Processing|Falcon Frame alignment (Appion)]] 

  * Parallel gpu processing using program from "Li et. al. Nature Methods (2013)": 

 h2. [[Child Imaging Area and Beam Diameter Display in TargetFinder Nodes]] 

  * [[Beam Size Calibration]] is required for beam diameter display 

 h2. Ability of sending preset selection to scope in Navigation Node 

 h2. Refresh Targets on grid atlas when returning to "Square Targeting" node panel from another node panel.