



New User Features 32 » History » Revision 2

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Anchi Cheng, 11/02/2015 11:40 PM

New User Features 3.2

1. JEOL Scope Features
  1. MSI-T Application designed for JEOL socpes with large LOW MAG hysteresis #3669.
  2. Automatically open column valve before taking an image #3267

2. Automatically lift screens before an image is taken #3002.

3. Enhanced to read specific frame of an image stack #3561

4. Allow users to specify preset name during image upload #3382

5. RCT feature matching with opencv #3020 (Contributed by Peter Kraft)

6. Option to pause long on the first target imaged from a list #2959

Calibration Tools

1. Manual image beam shift compensation calibrator for JEOL scopes #3291

2. Script for copying K2 counting mode calibration to super-resolution mode #3247

Administrator Tools

1. Restrict projects seen by the users during Leginon Setup #3184

2. Handling of MRC frame interception of Falcon II movies #3238

3. Allow mysql port to be specified in sinedon.cfg #3028

4. Allow sinedon.cfg, leginon.cfg and redux.cfg locations specified with environment variable #18698

5. Tools for archiving Leginon project data #2915

Developer Features 3.2

1. Camera Simulator subclass that mimics K2 camera counting and super-resolution mode #3359

2. Append and write labels to mrc files #2983

Updated by Anchi Cheng over 9 years ago · 2 revisions