


Possible Computer Set-up Configurations » History » Revision 22

Revision 21 (Anchi Cheng, 10/10/2011 07:19 PM) → Revision 22/25 (Anchi Cheng, 02/04/2014 10:59 AM)

h1. Possible Computer Set-up Configurations 

 Computer(s) used for the whole Leginon system need to support five functions: 
 #    TEM/Camera control and data output (by python-side packages of Leginon 
  *Note:* The computer(s) computer attached to the microscope/camera is used for this function. Therefore, it is on a Windows os. computer. 
 #    General Leginon operation such as target selection and image processing (processing 
 server of Leginon system) 
 #    Image data storage. 
 #    Other meta-data storage through MySQL database (by database server of Leginon 
 #    Web server (using PHP-side of Leginon system). 
  *Important:* The MRC module that is used to load mrc formatted files to the web pages is not compiled on Windows. Therefore, this function must be on a linux box unless you don't need to see the images. 

 The five functions can be distributed to five different computers on a network or all on 
 one single computer (with web server not viewing the images). However, since the latter minimal setup requires the use of the computer 
 attached to the microscope and digital camera for all functions, it is not advisable. 

 Processing server of Leginion is a multi-platform software, meaning it can run on both 
 Microsoft Windows and [[Select Linux distribution to use|Linux]], although we and others have found that Windows have trouble managing its memory for such a demanding task.    MySQL used in the database server is also supported by multiple platforms. This is 
 not true for the Web server because the custom php-MRC module used in the web viewer only compiles 
 on linux machines. Therefore, one of the computer not part of the microscope/camera control must be a linux. 
 The following examples show several arrangements that take advantage of distributed system. 
 Other combinations are possible, but will basically be variations on one of the following 

 See special notes on [[Using Leginon on a system where the microscope and camera are controlled by different computers]] if it applies to you. 

 h2.    Configuration A  

 * One or more Windows computer that controls the Microscope and your digital camera ; 1 Linux computer (for all 
 other functions, separate from the Microscope) (Good for single user and small-scale 

 h3. On the microscope/camera computer(s): 

 *    Install the latest processing server side of Leginon release (and supporting 
 packages) following [[Installation_on_the_microscope_computer]] 

 h3. On the Linux computer: 

 * Install the full Leginon package including the processing, database, and web server. 
 The For testing, the easiest is to use [[Autoinstaller for CentOS]] follow [[appion:Install_Appion_and_Leginon_using_the_auto-installation_tool]] 
 For manual installation, follow full instruction in this chapter. 
 See [[Minimum_Requirements_and_current_NRAMM_setup]] 

 h2. Configuration B 

 *One or more Windows computers that control the microscope and your digital camera ; 4 Linux computers (one for 
 each function) (Good for multiple microsopes, users and large-scale acquisition)* 

 This is the set-up at NRAMM. It has the processing server side of Leginon installed on 
 the Windows computer attached to the microscope and on the Linux computer that is used for 
 running Leginon. A second Linux machine is dedicated to the database while the web-based 
 viewer is hosted by another server, and a third Linux machine specialized as the database server. 

 *    Install the python-side Leginon (and supporting packages) on the Windows computer(s) 
 controlling the microscope/camera and on the Linux computer that is to run Leginon. You can 
 make the latter installation accessable to any numbers of linux computers on your 


 * Install full processing server side of Leginon on a Linux computer, typically in the scope room 
 for setup convenience. 
 *    Install MySQL on a Linux computer served as the database server 

 *    Install PHP, the Apache Web Server, and PHP-side of Leginon system on the third Linux 
 computer that will serve as the web server host. 


 * For each additional scope/camera pair, add a linux computer for the processing purpose. 

 *    The computer hosting the data storage should be accessable by all linux 

 The data storage may be on one of these computers that is accessable by the web and the processing 

 See also [[Minimum_Requirements_and_current_NRAMM_setup]] 

 [[What is in this Chapter|< What is in this Chapter]] | [[Select Linux distribution to use|What Linux distribution should be used? >]] 
