




RCT stands for Random Conical Tilt. It can also used for Orthogonal Tilt image acquisition. This should be used with Navigator multiple move for best results.

Required bindings to Presets Manager:

RCTNode - (ChangePresetEvent) -> PresetsManagerNode
PresetManagerNode - (PresetChangedEvent) -> RCTNode

Required bindings to a Target Finder:

TargetFinderNode - (ImageTargetListPublishEvent) -> RCTNode
RCTNode - (TargetListDoneEvent) -> TargetFinderNode

Required Bindings with Navigator to allow (iterative) target move correction:

RCTNode - (MoveToTargetEvent) -> NavigatorNodeAlias

Required Bindings for waiting for drift to stop after tilting:

RCTrNode - (DriftMonitorRequestEvent) -> DriftManagerNode
DriftManagerNode - (DriftMonitorResultEvent) -> RCTNode

Required Binding to correct drift from tilting as well as thermal expansion:

RCTNode - (NeedTargetShiftEvent) - > DriftManagerNode
DriftManagerNode-(AcquisitionImageDriftPublishEvent) -> RCTNode

Required Bindings to use drift check image in the node (???):

DriftManagerNode - (AcquisitionImagePublishEvent) -> RCTNode

see also RCT run protocol from a user

< Raster Filter | Robot >

Updated by Neil Voss over 12 years ago · 10 revisions