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Alex Kadokura, 05/07/2010 01:10 PM

Recommendation for setup at a new institute

First user : administrator

The user named "administrator" is a special user in Leginon. Once the setting preferences in a node that shares the same class and alias are defined by the administrator, all newly created users get these settings when they launch the node until they make changes themselves. This allows a faster setup per database (institute) for the beginners. Therefore, the first user should be named as "administrator" and it should be used normally to ensure the stability of these default preferences.

Additional users :

A Leginon user set in the adminstration tool defines his/her own preferences once changed from the "adminstrator" user default above. It is also not related to the computer login user. Therefore, it is is necessary to go through the steps outlined in Set up for a new regular user section.

Updated by Alex Kadokura almost 15 years ago · 3 revisions