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Anchi Cheng, 02/23/2012 10:51 AM
redux is a library for loading an image, doing some basic processing and generating a viewable image.
- simple to use python library
- simple to use network daemon that can answer requests for an image and the pipeline of processing to do on it
- simple to use command line client that uses either the network daemon or locally imported python library to do processing
- complex behind-the-scenes result caching
Potential uses¶
- a command line program like xv or imagemagick to view myami images and generate publication quality results
- preparing image for display in Leginon, including contrast adjustments, binning, power spectrum, etc
- any functions in leginon/appion where you need to either bin or calculate power spectrum
- preparing image for display on web pages. web server can contact redux server. this can replace php-mrc module which no longer compiles with php > 5.2
Current design as of 5/12/2011¶
New Ideas as of 7/13/2011¶
Investigating gstreamer as a framework on which to build redux. gstreamer allows plugins called "elements" to be connected together to form a pipeline or graph that does multimedia processing. Here is an example application built using the command line program "gst-launch":
gst-launch filesrc location=example.png ! pngdec ! jpegenc ! filesink location=test.jpg
README file:¶
INTRODUCTION Redux is a utility for running a pipeline of simple image processing routines. The main purpose is to produce display worthy images (JPEG, PNG, etc) from raw MRC images. It includes a caching mechanism to reduce processing time at the expence of disk or memory usage. INSTALL: prerequisites: python2.6 and above, numpy, scipy, pyfilesystem, pyami, numextension Install using "python install" or just use a local sandbox and just make sure redux is in your pythonpath USING IT: There are two basic ways to use redux. The first is to use it directly as a python package. You import redux and do processing in your python script. The second is to start a redux server, which can be located elsewhere on your network. You then make requests to the server using the client of your choice (python, php, etc.). TRY IT: Run the stand-alone redux script (bin/redux). Without any options or arguments, it will print out a help message. To Do: cache management, clean up old files, etc. server and client config scripts security
Updated by Anchi Cheng about 13 years ago · 7 revisions