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Alex Kadokura, 05/07/2010 01:42 PM

Set up for a new regular user

A Leginon user set in the adminstration tool defines his/her own preferences once changed from the "adminstrator" user default above. It is also not related to the computer login user. Therefore, it is is necessary to go through the following steps to set up an existing computer user as a new Leginon user:

Add a User From Administration web page

  • Click on Users.
  • Add a "name" (required) for the user. (This is like a one-word username that people use to log into a computer).
  • Optionally enter a full name for the user. (required)
  • Add this user to a previously created group. Or, add a new group for this user. (required)
  • Click Save.

Get a copy of the configuration files

Copy leginon.cfg and sinedon.cfg (if not set globally for all users) from an existing user to the home directory of the new user.

Modify leginon.cfg

Modify the [user] "Fullname" field in leginon.cfg to correspond the "full name" field in the Leginon Administration User Tools.

Updated by Alex Kadokura almost 15 years ago · 2 revisions