


Setup and Calibration for jeolcfg » History » Revision 10

Revision 9 (Anchi Cheng, 04/02/2015 05:40 PM) → Revision 10/26 (Anchi Cheng, 04/03/2015 08:06 PM)

h1. Setup and Calibration for jeol.cfg 

 All setup and calibrations are done on the computer that has access to JEOL's External COM through temext.dll. 

 h2. Copy from pyscope/jeol.cfg.template to pyscope/jeol.cfg 

 The current template is based on a JEM-3200FSC 

 h2. Modify [tem option] section in pyscope/jeol.cfg according to your scope 

 h3. Using PLA for image shift 

 Image shift is normally achieved with IS1.    However, PLA is a sometimes a better choice, especially if energy filter is involved. 


 h3. Lens Series within MAG1 and LOW MAG modes 

 There are distinct sets of objective and projection lens settings within MAG1 mode that gives 
 different scale and neutral values.    We assign each of these lens series (LS) numbers, starting at 1 at 
 the lowest mags. Similarly, we also named the lowest LOWMAG mode lens series LM1 and assign a 
 different deflector scale to them. 

 The order of magnifications is therefore roughly 

 LM1->the rest of LOWMAG->LS1->LS2->LS3->the rest of MAG1 

 * To simply the mapping of magnification to the projection modes, MAG1 will be used if a magnification 
 can be achieved by either LOWMAG and MAG1* 

 These four configurations like these therefore define the boundary of each lens series within the mode. 
 LS1_MAG_MAX = 4000 
 LS2_MAG_MAX = 25000 
 LS3_MAG_MAX = 100000 
 LM1_MAG_MAX = 200 


 h2. Run pyscope/ to get values for different items in jeol.cfg 

 With the main viewing screen down do these at the computer with temext.dll registered. 

 # Open pyscope/jeol.cfg with a text editor and leave it open so that you can enter values as you go. 
 # Double click pyscope/ to start it. 
 # The script will first make the scope go through all magnifications in LOWMAG and MAG1 range to determine valid magnifications. 
 # Enter After choosing tem options, enter the magnifications at which to calibrate.    Make sure that you include at least one magnification in each lens series that you will use. 
 # Follow the instruction to shift each coil or mechanism by the amount indicated. 

 For example, for image shift with IS1,    It says 
 Preparie to calibrate IS1: 
 Waiting for you to setup the initial condition 
 The initial condition means a visible feature at an easily remembered position such as the central dot on the main screen so that a shift can be recognized. 
 The distance between the major ticks of the linear scale bar on the main viewing screen corresponds to 1 cm at the film camera (i.e., nominal magnification) 

 After "hit a key to continue", this original IS1 value is recorded.    You are then asked to 
 Move IS1 by 1.0 cm on Main Screen in x direction 
 This means using x-axis IS1 knob to move the image feature by the amount.    The major ticks of the scale bar on the main viewing screen corresponds to 1 cm at the film camera height. 

 The new IS1 value is saved when you hit a key to continue. 

 The output include 

 You should then modify this item in jeol.cfg according to the result. 

 *I do not know which values will change with lens series, nor can we assume that x and y coils have the same scale.    Please let me know what you get.* 
 *Missing calibration of unused lens series should not cause problem.    There is no need to go through all of them just for the sake of completeness.* 
 *The scale does not need high accuracy, a 20% error probably is not going to cause failure since there will be a fine calibration done within Leginon.*