Setup simulator with VMware Fusion¶
You can get tem and camera simulator from manufactures and setup virtual machines for development.
I set up 2 virtual machines on my MacBook with VMware and can run all the tcp transporter tests and image acquisition using a few specific settings as follow:
On the mac, find out the hostname known by python socket module. In python command line
import socket socket.gethostname()
My mac is called anchi3.local
For each virtual machine
- Open Network Adopter settings through menu VMware Fusion/Virtual Machine\Network Adopter\Network Adopter Settings...
- Select to use "Private to my Mac" and activate "Connect Network Adaptor" if not already chosen.
- Follow instruction for adding IP address and matching hostname in your host file to make all parties on this private network know each other by hostname
- * Note: the virtual machine knows the real machine as "anchi3", not "anchi3.local". You should associate both names with the private network IP (127.xx.xx.1)
On the mac, the /etc/hosts should include assignment to each virtual machine as well as its own private network IP. I have
127.xx.xx.128 virtual1 127.xx.xx.129 virtual2 127.xx.xx.1 anchi3 anchi3.local
Updated by Anchi Cheng over 10 years ago · 4 revisions