


Start leginon what is next » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (Anchi Cheng, 08/16/2010 06:51 PM) → Revision 4/11 (Anchi Cheng, 08/19/2010 04:25 PM)

h1. What is next 

 *As a superuser who is the Leginon guru in the lab, superuser, you should perform calibrations following instructions in [[Leginon "Calibrations" Application]] chapter. 

 *As a system administrator, this is the end of your task for installation.    You should have someone who knows how to use the microscope to perform the calibrations. 

 *As a regular user, the calibrations should have be done, you should learn how to use the application that interests you.    For the start, you should at least know how to use [[Leginon "Manual Application"]].    You are most likely want to use one of the MSI applications.    In that case, you should read [[Multi-Scale Imaging Applications in General]] next.