


Startup » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/22/2010 04:40 PM) → Revision 2/7 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 10:35 AM)

h1. Startup 

 h2. Microscope Setup 

 *    Setup normal or low dose mode configuration. 

 *    Align the scope. 

 h2. Run Leginon Client on the Microscope Computer 

 See Instruction in "Start Leginon" Chapter about "<link linkend="test_start_client">Run Leginon Client on the Microscope Computer</link>" 

 h2. Start Leginon 

 See Instruction in "Start Leginon" Chapter about "<link linkend="test_start_main">Run Leginon at your main working station</link>" 

 h2. Launch the Application 

 Leginon/Main menu/Application> select "Run...." and choose the application named "Manual", select the microscope hostname for "scope" and the local computer as "main", and then launch the application. 


 [[The Application|< The Application]] | [[Running "Manual" Application|Running "Manual" Application >]] 
