


Summary of MSI applications » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/22/2010 05:00 PM) → Revision 2/7 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 11:35 AM)

h1. Summary of MSI applications 

 All the MSI applications shares the same scheme. They are 5-stage acquisition processes 
 which include a grid atlas, squares acquisition, holes (called subsquare in MSI-Raster) 
 acquisition, focusing, and final exposures (Tomography for MSI-Tomography). Target finding at 
 each stage leads to acquisition at the next stage. Drift management, eucentric height 
 correction, and autofocusing is also involved. The diagram below shows the flow of control in 
 MSI. The detailed event bindings involved are for advanced users only and can be found in the 
 chapter covering creating/editing application at the end of the full manual. 


 The The black arrows shows the flow of the excutation that the node where the arrow starts 
 from initiate the execution of the node that the arrow is pointed to. The green arrow shows 
 the control of target shift correction by drift manager. The red,blue, purple, and magenta 
 frames enclose nodes that processes acquisition, focus, reference and preview targets, 
 respectively. These nodes sets presets through Presets Manager and moved to their targets 
 using either Presets Manager or Navigation node. The green frames are nodes for drift 

 The following list is a cursory glance at the steps to run this application: 

 *    Calibrations (autofocus, image shift, stage position, modeled stage position, 

 *    Set-up Presets (gr, sq, hl, fa, fc, en, ef) 

 *    Acquire Corrector images. 

 *    Acquire a grid atlas. 

 *    Select squares on the grid atlas. The process can be wholely automated from this 
 point until more squares are selected. 

 *    Optionally interact with the hole finders. 

 *    Optionally putting targets from different images at the same level into queue that 
 can be processed in a batch. 

 This chapter has been divided into sections to facilitate everyday usage: 

 <link linkend="preleg1setup">Pre-MSI Set-up</link>: Prior to setting up Leginon for the 
 day, make sure that the presets have been designed and Leginon calibrated for your 

 <link linkend="MSI_pref">MSI preference &amp; configuration</link>: The comprehensive MSI 
 preferences and configuration example. 

 <link linkend="MISQuickStart">MSI Quick Start checklist</link>: A short check list for 
 users who are familiar with the application and have saved preferences. 

 <link linkend="MSISetupDetails">MSI set-up in more details</link>: The more complicated 
 MSI Leginon application set-up that should be completed before collecting data. 

 <link linkend="MSIQueue">MSI queuing option</link>: Introduction to the queuing 

 <link linkend="QExpTarget">MSI Exposure Target queuing</link>: The setup and operation of 
 queuing mode for large number of exposure targets and/or for avoiding accessing sq presets 
 after initial acquisition and targeting. 

 <link linkend="QHoleTarget">MSI Hole Target queuing</link>: The setup and operation of 
 queuing mode recommanded for quick overall survey of rare hole targets in grid squares. 

 <link linkend="MSI_troubleshooting">MSI Trouble shooting</link>: This trouble shooting 
 section addresses some of the possible challenges a Leginon user may face while using the MSI 

 NOTE: The Tietz imaging software (EMMenu) must be turned OFF before Leginon is started. In 
 contrast to this, the Gatan imaging software (Digital Micrograph) must be ON before Leginon is 


 [[Flavors of MSI applications|< Flavors of MSI applications]] | [[Pre-MSI Set-up|Pre-MSI Set-up >]] 
