Summary of this application - Robot-MSI-Screen » History » Revision 1
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Amber Herold, 04/23/2010 08:50 AM
Summary of this application - Robot-MSI-Screen¶
"Robot-MSI-Screen" applications are a set of three applications designed for 2D-crystal screening. The screening uses a two-pass approach to reduce screening time on obviously bad trials. A user-interactive evaluation is made between the two automated robotic applications. Please refer to Cheng et. al. (2007) J. Struct. Biology vol.160, 324-331 for detail discussions and timing of the process.
If you don't have a grid insertion robot, you may use this set of application in robot "simulation" mode. However, because human does not repeat placing of the grids on the holder at the same accuracy as the robot, you may have to perform the two passes in tendom of the same grid.
Reference "MSI in general" chapter for help on the entire process of setting up and operation.
<link linkend="preleg1setup">Pre-MSI Set-up</link>: Prior to setting up Leginon for the day, make sure that Leginon has been previously set-up (this step is in case the ambitious user decides to proceed to this section for the first time and hasn't gone through all the calibrations...).
<link linkend="MSI_pref">MSI preference & configuration</link>: The comprehensive MSI preferences and configuration example. The data flow for RobotMSI-Screen 1st Pass and 2nd Pass are most similar to MSI-Raster application. The default settings loaded at the time of Leginon installation would make the application unique.
<link linkend="MISQuickStart">MSI Quick Start checklist</link>: A short check list for users who are familiar with MSI applications.
<link linkend="MSISetupDetails">MSI set-up in more details</link>: The more complicated MSI Leginon application set-up that should be completed before collecting data.
<link linkend="MSI_troubleshooting">Trouble shooting</link>: This trouble shooting sections addresses some of the possible challenges a Leginon user may face.
NOTE: The Tietz imaging software (EMMenu) must be turned OFF before Leginon is started. In contrast to this, the Gatan imaging software (Digital Micrograph) must be ON before Leginon is started.
Updated by Amber Herold almost 15 years ago · 1 revisions