


Terminology » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/14/2010 03:18 PM) → Revision 2/3 (Amber Herold, 04/14/2010 03:18 PM)

h1. Terminology 


 h2. Terminology 

 h2. Application 

 A Leginon application is image acquisition process that is built of several smaller 
 pieces called 'nodes'. An application defines your preferred scheme for how to acquire 
 images. An application definition includes which nodes to use, how they are connected, and 
 where they are running (possibly distributed across several machines). These three concepts 
 of applications (nodes, events, launchers) are described in more detail below. A typical 
 application involves several stages of image acquisition and image processing. Once an 
 application is designed, it can be used repeatedly for different sessions. An application 
 design can be exported for use on other Leginon installations. 

 h2. Session 

 A session is defined as an execution from start to finish of a Leginon application. All 
 data (images, results, etc.) that are created by Leginon is associated with some session. 
 The first thing a user must do when starting Leginon is create a session, or continue an 
 existing session. 

 h2. Instrument 

 An instrument is the microscope/camera system used for acquiring data during a 
 particular session. The facility at which Leginon is installed may have several different 
 microscopes, each with a unique camera setup. Each system is an instance of an 

 h2. Node 

 Nodes are the building blocks of Leginon applications. Nodes are defined for specific 
 tasks. For instance, an "Acquisition" node is designed to acquire images when it receives 
 targets from another node, which is typically some type of 'TargetFinder' node. Nodes can 
 "publish" the data they create. This means they are making their data public for other nodes 
 to use. The other nodes can "research" to find a specific item of data. Nodes may 
 communicate with each other by generating "events". 

 h2. Event 

 An event is a message sent out from a node to notify other nodes that something of 
 interest has happened. A common example is to announce that some data has been published. 
 Another example is to announce that some process has finished. The declaration of which 
 events are routed between which nodes is part of the application design process. 

 h2. Manager 

 Manager is the master of all nodes in an application. Its existence is usually 
 transparent while running a session, but it is responsible for starting up the application 
 with all its nodes and event bindings. It works behind the scenes to ensure that events are 
 properly distributed throughout the system. 

 h2. Launcher 

 A Launcher is the parent process for a set of nodes. There is typically one launcher 
 running on each machine that you intend to have nodes running on. The assignment of which 
 nodes will be started on a particular launcher is defined as part of the application. 

 h2. Preset 

 A preset is a piece of data which encapsulates the state of an instrument. At any time, 
 the current state of an instrument (magnification, image shifts, camera settings, etc) can 
 be recorded for later use. There is a particular class of Node called the PresetsManager 
 which maintains a list of presets for the current Leginon session. These presets are used by 
 other nodes to set the state of the instrument prior to acquiring an image. This allows for 
 a series of images to be acquired at a consistent state, but possibly different targets (see 
 below). This is very similar to the "Low Dose" system on many microscopes, which consists of 
 a few presets like "Search", "Focus", and "Exposure". The Leginon PresetsManager is a more 
 generalized approach which allows for and unlimited number of presets to be used (like 
 several search presets at different magnifications, or multiple exposure presets at 
 different defocus). 

 h2. Target 

 A target is a location where an image will be acquired. Targets are often selected from 
 existing images (using a TargetFinder node). Acquisition nodes are responsible for 
 interpreting Targets and then acquiring images of them.