


Transform Manager » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Amber Herold, 04/27/2010 02:56 PM) → Revision 3/4 (Eric Hou, 06/24/2010 04:16 PM)

h1. Transform Manager  


 The Transform Manager handles all shift corrections that need to be done after drift is 
 declared. The class will be expand to do transformation other than shift in the future. 

 By the request of an Acquisition Node, the transform manager reaquires ancestors of the 
 target that requires transformation in order to create the transformed target. 


 Any acquisition or focuser node that need target correction requires two 

 <simplelist type="vert"> 
 <member> AcquisitionNode or FocuserNode - (TransformTargetEvent) -> TransformManagerNode 
 <member> TransformManagerNode-(TransformTargetDoneEvent) -> AcquisitionNode orFocuserNode or 

 For TransformManager to change presets, two bindings are needed: 

 <simplelist type="vert"> 
 <member> TransformManagerNode - (ChangePresetEvent) -> PresetsManagerNode PresetsManagerNode</member> 
 <member> PresetsManagerNode -(PresetChangedEvent) -> TransformManagerNode 



 h2.    Settings 


 *    Minimal Magnification = 300. This setting sets a lower limit to the ancestor image 
 reacquisition.    It can be set to prevent going down to a magnification where the 
 objective aperture inserted after the original image was acquired prevents correlation 
 between the reaquired image (with aperture) and the original (without aperture). 
 Alternatively, it can be set to prevent the reacquisition that uses the LM mode. 


 h2.    Toolbar 


 *    Declare Drift = force the Transform Manager to start drift correction 


 [[Tomography|< Tomography]] 
