


Troubles with Calibrations » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (Amber Herold, 04/15/2010 10:06 AM) → Revision 2/15 (Amber Herold, 04/15/2010 10:15 AM)

h1. Troubles with Calibrations 

 * <link linkend="pixeloff">Available magnification from pixal size calibration is 
 different from that said on the scope</link> 

 * <link linkend="instlT_updatecom">Stage does not move after a pyScope update on the 
 computer controlling the microscope</link> 

 h2. Magnification list not consistent with that at the 

 Commonly Why: Instrument was not selected correctly when Leginon is installed 

 Solution: Check the parameters of the named instrument in Administration Tool 


 [[Troubles with Imaging|< Troubles with Imaging]]